Massage Therapy
in Charlotte, NC
Charlotte's Trusted Source For Massage Therapy and Healing

What is Massage Therapy?
Massage Therapy… an investment in your health and powerful ally in your self-care regimen.
Massage is the scientific art of assessing and manipulating the soft tissue structures of the body with the goal of improving and normalizing these systems. This includes manual techniques (using very subtle to deep pressure with hands, arms, elbows), active or passive stretching and and active movement.
It is estimated that over 90% of disease is related to physical, chemical, and/or emotional, stress. As we age, we all want to move easier in exercise and as we age. Skilled bodywork can eliminate problematic compensation patterns before they become chronic or debilitating, sometimes preventing more invasive procedures (e.g., surgery).
Benefits of Massage Therapy.
Massage therapy plays a pivotal role in the comprehensive healthcare regimens designed to facilitate patients' smooth transition back to their regular daily routines. Its significance becomes particularly evident in instances such as post-joint replacement surgery or recuperation from injuries.
Physical benefits of massage include:
Improved circulation
Decreased muscle stiffness
Decreased joint inflammation
Better quality of sleep
Quicker recovery between workouts
Improved flexibility
Less pain and soreness
Strengthened immune response

Mental benefits
Massage also has many mental health benefits. Even people who are focused on the physical benefits say they feel less stressed after getting a massage.
Other mental benefits of massage include:
Lower stress levels
Improved relaxation
Improved mood
Decreased anxiety
More energy
Increase feeling of wellness